Hi, I'm
Dr. Bharti Gupta

Hello !

This website has been created to share content on a few things which interests me a lot. These interests include many socio-cultural aspects that are surrounding us day in and day out.

A few interests which this site shall be covering include information on topics related to Tourism Studies, Tourism Destinations, History of India, Culture of India and information on My Academic Works which I feel proud to share with others.

The sharing at times may also be covering experiences of life. You know, many times we think that ” I wish God may give me second chance to handle a situation so that I handle it in better way” But the fact is once the time goes it goes, the second chance does not usually come. But one thing can happen and that is learning from others’ experiences so that we may use those experiences in taking better decisions in life. So the sharing of experiences is intended to benefit others who seek answers or solutions to questions or situations they may be experiencing in life.

I hope this start of opening to the world shall be blessed with positivity !

Om Shanti !!

Yours truly,
Dr Bharti Gupta